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  • Writer's pictureFaye Bradley

Kelly Rutherford & Molly Hanten-Tomaszewski On Slow Fashion With Sovereign Collective


Slow fashion is a term that's being increasingly used globally, as consumers are changing their spending habits. More and more of us are realising the negative toll of fast fashion on the environment and it's more important now than ever to switch shopping priorities to support the eco-driven brands that are practicing what they preach.

For Sovereign Collective, sustainability is in its core. Trekking the globe for boutique brands yet to reach global audiences, Sovereign Collective collects stories from creators to share with its customers. It believes in slow fashion, meaningful travel and discovery by connecting these talented creators to the world in an all-in-one platform. Founded by actress Kelly Rutherford and entrepreneur Molly Hanten-Tomaszewski, its chosen labels are split up by city, from fashion haven Milan to down under in Sydney. We chat with the duo to find out more about its vision and why it's important to spread awareness on the thriving talents of today.

What inspired you to launch Sovereign Collective?

We love to travel and we're extremely passionate about the brands and artists we find while we travel the world. We wanted to bring the opportunity of "destination shopping" to the internet and highlight these beautiful products and entrepreneurs.

What is the importance of slow fashion in today's world?

We believe it is the future and brings meaning back to the clothing we wear, the accessories we choose and the human beings behind the products. It ensures liveable wages for the creators and brings attention to the art and meaning behind the brands. We believe it means more meaningful purchases, less and better. These things are important to us and our partners.

How does your brand aim to promote slow fashion?

We partner with slow-fashion brands and artisans from around the world and our goal is to tell their stories, to bring meaning and story telling back to shopping.

What's something you've learned since you launched Sovereign Collective?

How beautiful and meaningful today's creators are. The passion, time and expertise that goes into creating all of the products on our website are unbelievable. It has taught us the beauty of buying from local businesses and taking the time to select meaningful items.

What are the challenges you've faced and how have you overcome them?

We've had to learn so much from the global supply chain and shipping issues. We try to promote the slower mindset to ensure customers understand we are not amazon, and that they are supporting global creators. It's been a head-first lesson in global logistics! :)

What's next for Sovereign Collective?

We are just beginning our pop-up series in cities around the world, and just launched our new website.


All images sourced from Sovereign Collective and its founders.

Kelly Rutherford: @KellyRutherford | Molly Hanten-Tomaszewski: @MBHanten


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