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  • Writer's pictureFaye Bradley

Beyond Luxury: Esin Güral Argat on Fostering Female Empowerment at JOALI & JOALI Being


Turkish entrepreneur Esin Güral Argat first fell in love with the Maldives two decades ago, a passion that has since blossomed into the creation of two stunning, sustainable luxury resorts: JOALI, renowned for its immersive art experience and recognised with accolades from Travel + Leisure, Forbes Travel Guide, 50 Best Discovery, and TripAdvisor, and JOALI Being, the region’s first dedicated wellness island, celebrated by Goop, Vogue Global Spa Guide, and the World Spa Awards. In an industry often dominated by men, Argat stands out as a pioneering female founder and an inspiring figure for many. We had the privilege of speaking with her about her commitment to female empowerment and how she cultivates it for herself and those around her.

All images are courtesy of CSP Times.

What do you consider your proudest achievement in terms of female empowerment, both within your company and in the larger hospitality industry?

At JOALI, our commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women is at the core of our brand. One of my proudest achievements is our Leadership and Gender Diversity Programme, designed to nurture female talent at all levels within our organisation. This initiative, aligned with the UN Women’s gender equality campaign, has not only increased the representation of women in management roles but also actively supports girls' education and local female employment in the Maldives.

JOALI has achieved the highest female employment ratio in the Maldivian hospitality industry for two consecutive years, a recognition from the Ministry of Tourism. Furthermore, we proudly support women-focused initiatives, such as the Women in Tech Maldives programme, which educates young girls on coding and climate awareness. These accomplishments reflect my belief that female empowerment is crucial for sustainable development, both in our company and the wider hospitality sector.


What advice would you give to other women aspiring to break into leadership roles, particularly in male-dominated industries like hospitality?

My advice to women aspiring to leadership roles in male-dominated industries like hospitality is simple yet powerful: believe in your abilities and never underestimate your worth. It is essential to foster a strong sense of self-confidence and resilience. Industries like hospitality are evolving, and they need diverse perspectives to thrive. Seek out mentors, create a network of supportive professionals, and never hesitate to push boundaries. At JOALI, we’ve cultivated a culture of inclusivity, which has shown me that when women are empowered to lead, they drive positive change across the entire business​.


Can you share any specific initiatives or policies at JOALI that promote gender equality and support women’s advancement?

At JOALI, we have multiple initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and supporting women's advancement. Our Leadership and Gender Diversity Programme is a cornerstone of these efforts, focusing on training and development for women at all levels. We also prioritise local female employment in the Maldives, where women traditionally have fewer opportunities. Additionally, we support educational programmes like the #CodeforClimateMV initiative, which teaches coding and technology to young girls. Our goal is to create an environment where women can grow, progress, and thrive both personally and professionally​.

How do you see the role of female leadership evolving in the global hospitality sector in the coming years?

Female leadership in hospitality is not just a trend – it’s becoming a necessity for growth and innovation. I believe that in the coming years, women will play an even more integral role in redefining the hospitality industry. As businesses increasingly recognise the importance of diversity and inclusion, female leaders will drive sustainable development, create innovative guest experiences, and shape the future of luxury travel. The sector needs empathetic, creative, and diverse leadership to meet the changing demands of global travellers, and I am optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead for women​.


What challenges have you faced as a female founder, and how have you navigated them to build successful, luxury resorts?

Building JOALI Maldives and JOALI BEING as a female founder has been both rewarding and challenging. In a male-dominated industry, one of the biggest hurdles has been gaining credibility and breaking through traditional gender biases. I’ve navigated these challenges by staying true to my vision and focusing on creating unique, purpose-driven luxury experiences that resonate with our guests. Another key to success has been collaborating with diverse teams and ensuring that our business decisions are driven by sustainability, art, and wellbeing, which are central to our brand identity​.


What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day running JOALI and JOALI BEING?

I find peace and joy in simple moments. One of my favourite ways to unwind is to immerse myself in nature, either by taking a quiet walk along the beach or meditating while listening to the sounds of the ocean. JOALI’s environment offers endless opportunities to reconnect with oneself, and I often start my day with meditation and a coffee while soaking in the natural beauty around me​.


If you could design your perfect day at JOALI, what would it look like? Any special spots you love to visit?

A perfect day at JOALI would begin with a morning meditation session, followed by a swim in the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives. I’d then visit the Manta Treehouse for a leisurely breakfast while enjoying the immersive art installations around the island. Later, I would take a wellbeing journey at JOALI BEING, focusing on mindfulness and relaxation. The day would end with a sunset cruise, reflecting on the natural beauty of the island and its unique energy​.

What’s one surprising thing people might not know about running a luxury resort in paradise?

People often think that running a luxury resort is a glamorous job, but there is a lot of hard work behind the scenes. One surprising thing is how much attention we pay to sustainability and environmental responsibility. At JOALI, we have initiatives like rainwater harvesting, waste management systems, and our Reef Restoration Programme, which aim to preserve the fragile ecosystem of the Maldives. Running a resort is about ensuring that luxury and responsibility go hand in hand​.


Do you have a favourite memory or funny moment with a guest or staff member that perfectly captures the JOALI spirit?

One of my fondest memories is when a repeat guest, who had stayed with us over a dozen times, shared a poem they wrote about JOALI, capturing the island’s essence of joy, peace, and beauty. It was a touching moment that reminded me of the personal connections we create with our guests. JOALI is not just a place – it’s a feeling, and moments like these perfectly encapsulate the spirit of our brand​.


If you could invite anyone, living or historical, to experience JOALI and JOALI BEING for a day, who would it be and why?

I would love to invite Afife Jale to JOALI. She was the first Turkish woman to perform on stage, breaking societal barriers and paving the way for future generations of female artists. Her courage, resilience, and dedication to her craft resonate with our brand’s values of empowerment and artistic expression. I believe Afife Jale would have appreciated JOALI's focus on creativity, wellbeing, and its commitment to celebrating women who challenge conventions and inspire change.


What’s your go-to book or podcast for inspiration or relaxation?

For relaxation and inspiration, I often turn to books that offer insight into wellbeing and personal growth. One of my favourites is “The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama, which perfectly aligns with the ethos of JOALI BEING​.


What are 5 wellness products/technologies you can't live without?

I believe that being mentally healthy and positive has a beneficial impact on both my professional and personal life. Therefore, I sometimes incorporate hydrotherapy into my routine. Sound healing therapy also supports mental wellbeing. I use mindful spaces, including meditation tools and areas designed for mental clarity. I also rely on herbal remedies as part of a holistic approach to wellness.



Location: Muravandhoo Island, Raa Atoll 20066 Male, Maldives | Phone: +960 658 44 00 | Website: | Email: | | Facebook: @joalimdv | Instagram: @joalimaldives | X: @JoaliMaldives | YouTube: JOALI Maldives


Location: Bodufushi Island, Maldives | Phone: +960 658-4400 | Website: | Email: | Facebook: JOALI BEING | Instagram: @joalibeing | X: @JOALIBEING | YouTube: JOALI BEING



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